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Rules About This Forum

  • 04 Aug 2016 9:31 AM
    Message # 4173110
    Deleted user

    This is a non-reply-to thread. But you can reply to any other thread you see here, or start your own thread(s) to comment on what you read or see here. Enjoy this forum!

    Linking/sharing copyrighted material. If you want to share information you've found on another site, please only post a snippet of the article; do not post the article in it's entirely. Always provide a link to the original article, whether you are quoting a snippet (and that's all you want/need) or whether you wish to discuss the entire article.

    Linking/sharing material that you created - e.g., linking to a blog post of YOURS. Please do NOT use this forum strictly as a source of traffic for your website, blog, etc. If you want to link to your blog, please do so in your signature ONLY; please do not start posts of the form, "hey check out this article that I wrote over here..." A lot of this will be totally subjective, based on how long you've been a member, how often you link to your own outside content, etc. There's no hard-and-fast rule for what's allowed and what's not. Basically, if it seems that the primary reason for posting is to misdirect traffic, we will pull it. If it seems the primary reason for you posting it is to talk about triathlon or related activities that will benefit our members, we'll probably leave it.

    Rules will keep expanding as the forum grows. 

    Elias Macias - aka Zoom Zoom

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